Author: Tomasz Sokolowski
Translated by J. Szajkowska, P. Szajkowski
Anxiety arises in the dormant room
Cold waves of music are flowing from walls
Prayers of those who do not sleep are slowly killing
all that remained of my hope to regain the time
Isolated you and I
Isolated, chilly lips that touch the walls
Isolated you and I
Isolated, chilly lips that touch the walls
Isolated you and I
Isolated, consistently they are killing us
Through infinite, boundless desert
Isolated you and I
Through the desert…
you, you and I-
In the rain of white birds tears
Among meaningless white words
you, you and…I-
All rights to lyrics, music, pictures and engravings are reserved. You are not allowed to use these materials without the authors' permission. Copyright by Tomasz Sokolowski.