"The Lost Thoughts Office”
Author: Tomasz Sokolowski
Translated by J. Szajkowska, P. Szajkowski
and beyond it someone's words in the rain
not known to anyone
dreams left in the puddle unknown
in unknown cold hands will never become known
River of sorrow sips slowly on the wall
down to the ground, to the beginning and to the end
rain's mighty blasts, like wave after wave, wash
sleep under bed and than again, wave after wave
there comes
a man out of Nowhere who carries people dreams left
at the bedside, in the glass full of tears and ice
in cold
I'm looking at would-
liars, bastards waiting outside
in line
stretching into atrocious infinity
into cruel darkness
they’ll bring on they arrival
ominous thoughts
and all the others on their places
and number given them in my Office
of the Lost Thoughts
Night dissolves into morning sun
that slowly
arises beyond the hills
to the window
I bring my face closer and feel the cold touch of glass
And I fall asleep tired with sleep
so solid
so dead
All rights to lyrics, music, pictures and engravings are reserved. You are not allowed to use these materials without the authors' permission. Copyright by Tomasz Sokolowski.